My new page is going to be up in a couple days.
Right now its just a blank-ish Yahoo! page
This is what comes of the very best of intentions
About 2 1/2 YEARS ago I wrote some blurby thing about having this page
up and running splenderfully very shortly thereafter.
And guess what: it hasn't changed a BIT
Goodness knows I tried. I thought to myself: leave well enough alone
Webpages are like mold. You leave them untouched in a dark place
and they grow very nicely all by themselves. Unfortunately I was wrong.
Apparently you need to water them as well. ^_^
Anyhow, seeing as it _hasnt_ changed of its own accord, it would appear
that Im going to have to take matters into my own hands and start actually
doing something to improve it. So you can look forward to a goodly few changes
to my beloved webpage in the next few days/weeks/years. (With my record there
should be another blurby thing, remarkably similar to this one, being added sometime
late into the decade. But thats no reason to give up hope. I really shall
try this time. In all honesty, the only reason I never got around to finishing this
page previously related to certain obstacles which I believe I have now overcome
so this problem should not in all likelihood be perpetuated).
Now, if you have a request for a song that you really
want the lyrics to, just type said request in the box below (the
one that says all the stuff about mirabilis ICQ), and I'll try to
have that for you as soon as possible.
New additions:
My Own Worst Enemy, Lit
For now though, I have a very pathetic site, with a few lyrics, and
even fewer links. It's sad. Truly sad. I shall now go cry in shame...
...although I do have a place to stow your gear! ^_^
Also, I give you the grand option to
Sign My Guestbook
or you could, more bravely
View My Guestbook
AAAND... just for an extra kick (which Im sure will end up back at me)
I hereby give you the inestimable honor, the RIGHT
to Mail me, but remember.......
*baby voice* Hate mail hurt my feelings *pout*.......